CrossFlight Drone Education
Services And Training

Our Education & Training Division provides drone education services and FAA Part 107 remote drone pilot training. We also offer customized drone basic and advanced hands on flight training for pilots and course curriculum. Our Certified Instructors provide training that prepares the student to take the FAA Part-107 Remote Pilot Certificate. This certificate demonstrates that you understand the regulations, operating requirements, and procedures for safely flying drones. We have an engaging High School and College Curriculum which can be customized for all classes and programs. We also offer basic and advanced hands-on flight training.

CrossFlight High School and College Curriculum

Designed for Secondary and Post-Secondary Learning Environments

Starting at $745

40+ Hour Curriculum
150+ Hour Curriculum 
and Bundles Available

CrossFlight Sky Solutions has developed a flexible drone curriculum with drone training software for you to use as a part of your STEM/STEAM program. Our highly engaging curriculum has been built for educators and culminates with your students being prepared to pass the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate.

CrossFlight Teacher Curriculum Delivery Support

Our Curriculum Delivery Support course assists and provides guidance for those teachers that utilize the CrossFlight Part 107 Drone Curriculum. This course consists of 4-6 hours of online coaching with one of our certified master instructors who will share the "CrossFlight Drone Education Method" and our many lessons learned.

Topics to be covered include:

Curriculum layout and topics
Lesson overview and sample projects
Teacher resources and lesson guides
Quiz and practice test options
Pacing guide and CrossFlight Curriculum Guide
Learning Management System (LMS) features and overview 
Student enrolment and grading
Dedicated LMS course to review teacher lesson guide materials
Q&A with content determined by teacher

- $895 -

Includes coaching call and access to online materials

Part 107 Preparation Drone Courses - Professional Development

Our instructor led courses are small for individualized training. Our past students have included:

Law Enforcement
Emergency Management
Fire Rescue
Project Managers

In Person Drone Training
FAA Part 107 Preparation Course

Our training courses are uniquely designed for any company or individual who wants to learn more about Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and prepare for the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate. 

See full details on the registration page.

Group Discounts and On Site Trainings Available, Contact Us for More Information

4 Day Training

Online Instructor Led Drone Training
 FAA Part 107 Preparation Course

Online Learning Drone Course

Just like our in person courses, CrossFlight's Online Course provides all of the information that you will need to pass your FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate and more. Learn how to safely operate your UAV(s), FAA regulations, how to establish and maintain a safe program, and most of all what it means to become an aviator. This course will require approximately 10-14 hours per week including participation in self-study as well as live, teacher led instruction. There will be approximately 4 hours of virtual instruction per week and assignments that will be self-paced.

Instructor led virtual meetings are held twice a week for 4 weeks (totaling 8 meetings) for 2 hours each.

4 Week Online Training Course - $895
- Local, Group, and Police & Fire Discounts Available

Self Study FAA FAR Part 107 Preparation Course

Just $99 For 6 Months Of Access!

This course covers all necessary material to prepare for the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate. 

Slide presentations for each subject needed to pass the Part 107 Exam
Comprehension check quizzes at the end of each section
Industry videos explaining use cases and features of drone use
Key vocabulary and definitions
Part 107 Practice Exams
24/7 access to CrossFlight's Online Learning Management System
Access to user forums for community engagement
Access to CrossFlight materials through the Moodle mobile app for on-the-go studying

CrossFlight's Programs are Accredited 

"Accreditation is a rigorous process that schools and programs undergo to ensure they meet or exceed established quality standards in STEM education." 

Andrew B. Raupp, CEO

Hands-on Drone Flight Training

Add a flight day to our 4-day in-person Part 107 training or online trainings.
Or, schedule a flight day on your time!

Basic hands on flight day - $405

Plus travel assessed per location

Part 107 content review
Risk mitigation and pre-flight planning
Scenario based flight training

Advanced hands on flight day - $405


Advanced flying techniques
Drone software and settings
Autonomous mission planning
Photo and video camera settings

NIST BPERP Advanced Flight Training

APSA-NIST Basic Proficiency Evaluation for Remote Pilot (BPERP) Certificate

NIST BPERP hands on flight day - $395

The one day APSA-NIST Basic Proficiency Evaluation for Remote Pilot (BPERP) Certificate course is an advanced flight training option. The Airborne Public Safety Association, in cooperation with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is pleased to offer a credential in the form of a Certificate to those individuals who successfully complete a Basic Proficiency Evaluation for Remote Pilot (BPERP) flight evaluation in accordance with the NIST Standard Test Methods for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS).

Hands on NIST BPERP practice and training
Mission planning and risk mitagation
NIST BPERP proctored evaluation flight
Certification eligibility
CrossFlight online resources and support

CrossFlight Industry Drone Certification
and Regional Training Centers

Industry Drone Certification

CrossFlight Pilot Certifications verify operational proficiency based on industry standards. Our Instructor certifications verify teachers are able to deliver CrossFlight Drone Curriculum in an effective manner and from an aviators perspective. Both sets of certifications are delivered through the same course.

Regional Training Centers

CrossFlight's Regional Training centers provide comprehensive Part 107 and Hands-on Drone Flight Training to their local areas. We have partnered with High Schools, Colleges, and private organizations to bring our training to their students.

The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST)

CrossFlight Sky Solutions is an FAA-approved Test Administrator of The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST)

TRUST is a collaboration between the FAA and industry to provide TRUST and educational safety material to Recreational Flyers.

Upon completion of the test recreational flyers should print or save a digital copy of their completion certificate and keep it on their person when they fly. CrossFlight Sky Solutions cannot re-issue your completion certificate if it is lost. The FAA cannot re-issue your completion certificate. Should you lose your completion certificate, you will need to re-take TRUST and obtain a new certificate.

CrossFlight Educational Products Comparison

Click image to enlarge

Contact Us For More Information

Start Elevating Your Perspective Today

CrossFlight Sky Solutions LLC
25 Thurmond Way
Bluffton, SC 29910
(888) 912-3766

UEID: XFX2LH543163


NAICS CODES: 541130, 541370, 54690, 541922, 611699, 611710

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